The idea of digging into my social media accounts or maybe even social media past (hello embarrassing posts from 2009) is a bit of a scary thought, but a refreshing social media analysis is just what every person could probably use.
This blog is going to look at three different social media platforms I use consistently in my life (and all three are somewhat connected to one another): Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
1) Twitter
Tweets as of today: 18.8k
Following: 509
Followers: 897
Twitter is probably the platform I use the most often. Most of my followers are friends from all my areas of life (high school, college, church, ect.) but more recently includes some professionals and PR colleagues. I debated using this account more "professionally," but I showcase my humor and personality on here with some witty comments or retweeting things that may showcase who I am.
I make sure I NEVER retweet or favorite something with any foul language and/or images, and I tend to block accounts like that or unfollow friends who retweet vulgar things. One thing I stay keenly aware of is that even the tweet I favorite can be seen, and I'm even pretty specific on what tweets I continue to make public I like.
I do like the way I currently utilize Twitter to show bit and pieces of my personality, passions, and pictures I specifically choose to post. I try to post at least once or twice a day on here because of the fact Twitter won't always show tweets on newsfeed that were just tweeted but by popularity of the tweet or if that person tends to view your tweets I've noticed. I think it is professional enough to where I would not be embarrassed if a company was viewing my profile either.
2) Instagram
Posts: 308
Followers: 1,081
Following: 1, 013
I love that my Instagram connects to both my Twitter and Facebook accounts. I specifically chose certain pictures and filters to go on here and want to represent myself as genuinely as I can. One tone I choose to set is having a white border around all my pictures to make my background look sleeker on my profile page. I try to showcase my faith when I can and post many pictures with my friends and family usually with something positive or thankful to say. I also believe this account showcases my personality and warmth, and I would not mind a company viewing it.
I typically do not post on Instagram too often, but when the semester goes back in session I will probably post around twice a week. If I were a more well-known individual with more followers I'd probably stay more up to date, but for now I don't want to over-post.
3) Facebook
Friends: 1,442
Facebook is the platform I have used the longest. I created an account back in middle school, and I think it's best I don't dig back that far for some of the posts or pictures I may have put up. Looking at how I use it today, it's pretty much the same as Twitter to me. My cover photo is my family who's very important to me, and I try to stay on top of posting pictures while I'm away at school often (mostly for my mom).
Like Twitter, I make sure to re-share things that represent who I am, but with Facebook I will tend to add my two cents even if it's just a small comment. I do have a lot of old "friends" I could probably weed out who's content I don't like or agree with, but I typically don't post on Facebook "status" wise very often. I do go on at least to browse and like my friends' content on the daily and post some kind of picture once a week (even if that's just my Instagram one going through to Facebook or being tagged).
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